24 Laundry i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Finland24 Laundry



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12, Mechelininkatu, 00101, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 10 2927799
internet side: www.24pesula.fi
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Latitude: 60.171991, Longitude: 24.9197684

kommentar 5

  • Barry K

    Barry K


    Not sure if this is a typical laundromat, representative of others in Helsinki. But.... This place, as nice as it is, is overpriced. That's all there is to say.

  • en

    Fredo Frog


    Brilliant. Very clean. Easy to understand how to operate the machines even for non Finnish speakers. Very good value. And the cafe a few doors down is great for a coffee while your clothes wash.

  • Bruce Moller

    Bruce Moller


    Very clean, ultra modern Just need your debit or credit card , soap is included. Very modern machines

  • en

    A H


    Wow!! Excellent self wash and dry place! Clean, awesome, fast, effective machines, detergent included automatically, super easy use and pay, all kinds of wash and dry. I used for larger mattress cover and they had the large size washer. And there was no line!! What a find!!

  • en

    Luba Djoneva


    Great laundromat - clean, easy to use, and you don't need soap! You can pay with credit card as well

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