Bonnie & Clyde Books - Vintage i Helsinki

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FinlandBonnie & Clyde Books - Vintage



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5, Linnankoskenkatu, 00250, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 40 5320052
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Latitude: 60.1855683, Longitude: 24.9197761

kommentar 4

  • en

    Mika Vallenius


  • fi

    Jyrki Salonen


    Loistava palvelu, upea liike! Vaikeasti löydettävää miesten vintagea tarjolla! Ja vielä Dickies! WoW!!

  • Yvapurü Samaniego Bonnin

    Yvapurü Samaniego Bonnin


    One of the best shops where you can find art books, special and fancy clothes from the 50's, 60's and 70's! Also art materials, original prints and paintings 👌

  • Henry Söderlund

    Henry Söderlund


    Such a nice little vintage clothing and stuff store. Service was friendly and atmosphere warm. Prices are quite high in rare items which they seem to have plenty. These things are built to last so I'm hoping for lottery jackpot. I just adore everything here. They buy vintage clothing and items from individuals too - especially men's clothing and rare items are the one they're interested of. Don't expect to find cheap clothing here - there's a reason why this stuff last more than a lifetime. They're exceptionally well made and look really good too. I recommend to visit here if you're looking for genuine vintage related clothing or something similar. Also feel free to ask - they have immense selection of stuff.

nærmeste Tøjbutik

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