Casino Helsinki i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandCasino Helsinki



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19, Mikaelsgatan, 00100, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 200 55000
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1718495, Longitude: 24.9455227

kommentar 5

  • Henry Nyberg

    Henry Nyberg


    Very different than for example Las Vegas casinos. First of all, no free drinks. Small selection on slot machines plus few tables of blackjack and roulette. The horse betting game is a huge plus, otherwise this is quite a sad little "casino". But since there are no other options in this country, you have to adapt.

  • Juha Nikkola

    Juha Nikkola


    The best and the only casino in Finland. Poker, tablegames, slots, food and beverages. Bit pricey.

  • Pratyaksh Praveen

    Pratyaksh Praveen


    Beautiful ambience. Worth a visit if you're somewhere near Helsinki Central

  • Deniss Güzel

    Deniss Güzel


    This place has it all. A great sports bar with good food, delicious drinks, friendly staff and a nice casino with a good selection of table games.

  • Lauri Vartia

    Lauri Vartia


    The only international casino in Finland. You'll find all of the most popular games here. Roulette, black jack, Russian poker and many different slots. Nice bar. And the staff is exceptionally professional. Poker from 7pm onwards all the way to the closing hour at 4am. That it indeed closes at 4am is all the worst thing about it, but is required by the finnish law so you can't blame it on the casino.

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