Crowne Plaza Helsinki i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandCrowne Plaza Helsinki



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50, Mannerheimvägen, 00260, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 25210000
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1799334, Longitude: 24.927021

kommentar 5

  • en

    Juppe 848


    Very good location next to a lake and also a beach is close by. The gym is great. The rooms look a little bit outdated. Recommended for a business trip.

  • Alfredo Alva Zárate

    Alfredo Alva Zárate


    The hotel's location is great. Really close to Helsinki's downtown. However the rooms are very old and in need of renovation. Carpets are dirty and room lamps were old fluorescent and very noisy. The hotel fire alarm activated twice without any real reason, and for the first time the staff did not communicate the reason for this, and the second time it was due to a chicken overcooking at the kitchen. Also our room was not cleaned for 2 days and we had to ask the reception.

  • Jürgen Lison

    Jürgen Lison


    Is a little upkeep to much to ask ? I don’t like having to think if I can safely put my bare feet on the carpet when I get out of bed - and the carpet in the hallways is just filthy (I wouldn’t have it at home, so I can’t understand why I need to accept this in a hotel). Pictures below. Convenient location. Good bar/restaurant and breakfast. Just a pity that in the years I come here they haven’t invested a penny in the carpets...

  • Kristiina Lind

    Kristiina Lind


    Very nice hotel in the city center, next to a lake and a park. The rooms are luxurious and spacious. There is a huge gym, only wish I had time for a workout. During summer the park around the lake is very popular among recreational athletes, young people, and families.

  • Kati Tuomikivi

    Kati Tuomikivi


    Friendly and helpful staff. A bit on the side but with good connections to the center by ramp or bus. Many restaurants nearby. Comfortable and spacious room. Bath products and bathrobes were included. Clean, but a bit too warm, the air conditioning was not cool enough. Breakfast is really comprehensive and good.

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