Embassy of the United States i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandEmbassy of the United States


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14 B, Itäinen Puistotie, 00140, Helsinki, FI Finnland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 616250
internet side: fi.usembassy.gov
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 60.1573604, Longitude: 24.9608736

kommentar 5

  • Mostafa Kiamehr

    Mostafa Kiamehr


    Applied 3.5 month before travel time to attend a conference in USA. Conference time passed but visa did not arrive and above of all they were not even sorry for such inconvenience they caused, with all plannings, the tedious application process, cost, and waiting time, and in the end loosing the opportunity of attending the conference. They don't even properly reply to your emails and instead send automatic answers. Over all, this is worse embassy I have ever seen; difficult to get even an appointment, hard, unfair and extremely vague process, and irresponsible people. Wish you luck!

  • Nataliya Shevchuk

    Nataliya Shevchuk


    The rating goes to the way the Embassy handles visa interview appointments. Cancelling an appointment twice in a row comes across as an expression of disrespect and negligence towards an applicant. Wouldn't never imagined, I would be forced to review a US Embassy in the following way, but it has definitely been the most frustrating experience ever.

  • Joonas Virtanen

    Joonas Virtanen


    Very nice personnel, unexpectedly great service. Made my day!

  • Youkass Bogoss

    Youkass Bogoss


    I Love my country usa.

  • John Argelander Baker

    John Argelander Baker


    Extremely quick and helpful employees. I lost my passport on Friday after hours. On Monday, within less than an hour, they had processed all of my paper work and issued me a temporary replacement passport to help me get on my way and catch my flight. Very much appreciated!

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