Fazer Experience Visitor Centre i Vanda

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FinlandFazer Experience Visitor Centre



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6, Fazersvägen, 01230, Vanda, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 8762040
internet side: www.visitfazer.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 60.257027, Longitude: 25.1058756

kommentar 5

  • Tatjana Torkel

    Tatjana Torkel


    Good quality - price weekend brunch in Nordic style, friendly service, sweets shop with good selection of FAZER products

  • Anna Gąciarz

    Anna Gąciarz


    Good to visit with children, otherwise I would skip it and recommend spending 15€ (ticket price) to buy some chocolate from any shop. Tough the guides are well prepared and place is fancy, but you will not see actual factory pipelines, just an exhibition with a movie and chocolate degustation.

  • Emma Beattie

    Emma Beattie


    Great place to view and buy all the range of Fazer products. Visitor centre available too but at 15 euros for 1 hour and you have to book through ticket master it was not for us. Bought lots of chocolate to take home as gifts. Cafe is yummy and the building is beautiful, light and airy.

  • Nick The Long Shanks

    Nick The Long Shanks


    Very informative and interesting. Of course the bonus is being able to eat as much chocolate as you want for a short period of time. I left feeling slightly ill buy very happy

  • Jaakko Räihä

    Jaakko Räihä


    You need to buy tickets or be part of a group to see any of the interesting stuff, which is a shame. Free admission is only to the shop and Cafe. They are both excellent. The shop is cheap and has some special editions of Fazer products. The cafe is more expensive, but is worth visiting. It also serves a tasty brunch!

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