GLO Hotel Kluuvi i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandGLO Hotel Kluuvi



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4, Kluuvikatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 10 3444400
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Latitude: 60.1682108, Longitude: 24.9467781

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dennis Leong


    Good location. Very comfortable room with heated bathroom floor.

  • Huseyin Nakturk

    Huseyin Nakturk


    Stayed twice, very central location and good breakfast. Rooms are a bit on small side but still well decorated and clean.

  • en

    JapanPiranuch R.


    A prime location! Walking distance to almost everywhere. Room is big, clean, and modern. Breakfast was impressive, with variety of food. However, the area for breakfast is too small to fit the crowds!

  • Roy Kelly

    Roy Kelly


    We stayed here in 2010 and feel things are not as good as they used to be. Rooms are still the same, with the deluxe we stayed in is a good size with a decent bathroom. Beds could be a little more comfortable, but the pillows are a nightmare as they are very soft and kind of disintegrate when you lay on them. Rooms are clean. The big downside for us was the breakfast. It is a total free for all with little or no variation. The first morning, there were no available seats, and no staff member to help. We were just told to find a table - and there were none. We asked again and was told to check the back of the room - no help nor assistance. We eventually found a table ourselves after maybe 15 minutes. The food itself is limited. A very small hot selection which is pretty unappetizing, and then a cold selection, which again, is unimaginative and limited. Very poor. We have now stayed 3 days and are totally bored with it and may eat somewhere else tomorrow. Would I come back? No is the answer. Having booked and paid for 4 rooms for 4 nights, we are wholly disappointed. There appears to be no one in charge, nor no one who cares. Such a shame as it used to be so good. On the positive side, the bar staff are very nice.

  • Ethan Watrall

    Ethan Watrall


    Excellent staff. Included breakfast was decent. Wish room had been cleaned more regularly (there were a few days that I returned to me room finding it hadn't been cleaned)

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