Helsinki Zoo i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandHelsinki Zoo



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12, Blåbärslandsstigen, 00570, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 3101615
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1796896, Longitude: 24.9826244

kommentar 5

  • Jefim Borissov

    Jefim Borissov


    Great place for spending almost a while day with your kids. Parking is a bit far from the entrance. Has metallic grill places with tables and benches for you to have a great picnic. Also has a small building where you can go inside and also grill in the middle. Very nice if the weather is not good outside.

  • en

    Clarence Ng


    Great zoo and but a not so great range of animals which may be due to the climate there. Beware of the geese who are nesting there as they will attack if u get too close (even if you are just passing by)

  • en

    Mikko Nieminen


    Nice zoo. Carefully taken focus on a animal wellbeing and conditions. Among the best zoos on the Europe.

  • en

    Alexandra Kivinen


    Amazing view and lots of exiting animals. Great place have a picnick and spend a lovely day with your family.

  • Kristel Toom

    Kristel Toom


    Nice area for a day walk on island. Nice collection of different animals, really liked cats and bears. In the middle is a restaurant, offering nice food but usually quite packed. You can get there by bus nr 16 from central railway station, takes about 30 minutes).

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