Hesehotelli i Turku

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Läntinen Pitkäkatu, 20100, Turku, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 45 6343443
internet side: www.hesburger.fi
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Latitude: 60.4576347, Longitude: 22.2675785

kommentar 5

  • Pallav Shrestha

    Pallav Shrestha


    Not bad for a hose product.

  • Markus Tacker

    Markus Tacker


    Very convenient location, rather cheap for Finland. Recommended if you stay for one night or need to check in very late (which is possible until 0130).

  • Lui Jeon

    Lui Jeon


    Not so expensive, clean and quite convenient. You can walk to riverside in 10 mins. Funny check in system though.

  • Maukas



    Who got the idea to merge a fast food restaurant with a hotel? You have to check in through the Hesburger, which is good for Hesburger, bad for the customer. You have a free Wi-Fi, which doesn't help you at all, because 90% of time it doesn't work, and when it works, it's slower than 3G (it's so slow, that I can't even test it's speed). The power outlets in the rooms are in bad places and there are very few of them. The TV is very small. Smaller than you'd expect even from a hotel room. Getting a room from this hotel may save you some money, but you really should choose any other hotel than this.

  • Adam Štencek

    Adam Štencek


    Good accomodation. Check in is through the Fast Food restaurant.

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