Holiday Club Tampere Spa i Tampere

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandHoliday Club Tampere Spa



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12, Lapinniemenranta, 33180, Tampere, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 300 870931
internet side:
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Latitude: 61.5109652, Longitude: 23.7737009

kommentar 5

  • Alain Kovacs

    Alain Kovacs


    Nice hotel. The interior was nice and clean but it was somewhat old. The spa was really nice though and there also is gym access. There are two restaurants in the lobby, good food as well, really really nice breakfast!

  • Ayu Hartoyo

    Ayu Hartoyo


    Love the place! Very nice swimming pool / spa; and the view of the lake is just awesome. Sunsets are beautiful here!

  • Eric Carrell

    Eric Carrell


    Pretty good; although the main reason we booked this place is because of the pool and it's closed for 5 weeks. It would have been nice to know that before.

  • Antti Multanen

    Antti Multanen


    Small, quiet no frills spa. Good for grown ups, but our visit with 3 kids went well too. Good value for the money. Also, one of the very rare surviving examples of Finnish late '80s and early '90s interior design.

  • Markus Oja

    Markus Oja


    Service is good. The kitchen is mediocre. Spa services are good for adults and grand parents with very small grand children. There's literally nothing for kids between 6-18 years. Meeting services work without a hitch. So a great place for a business meeting or an in house training seminar so long that you don't have high hopes for the buffets. Wouldn't bother with kids though.

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