Hotel Ava i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandHotel Ava


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6, Karstulantie, 00550, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 774751
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1979627, Longitude: 24.9536185

kommentar 5

  • Rosanna Boswell

    Rosanna Boswell


    Great service, peaceful and the breakfast is amazing!

  • baris eren

    baris eren


    Nice and so close to everywhere

  • Inita Nerātne

    Inita Nerātne


    Old fashioned rooms, bathrooms and interior. There were no place where to dry our shoes. Easy to catch bus to airport, it is next to the hotel. There was delicious fast food restaurants near us. There isn't restaurant and poor breakfast offer in the hotel.

  • Inita Nerātne

    Inita Nerātne


    Nice hotel and service. A bit old style bathrooms, rooms. There was not place where we could dry our shoes. Breakfast could be richer.

  • Kirill Bessonov

    Kirill Bessonov


    Clean and nice place. The beds are very comfy. The softest bed I ever tried in my life :-) The cons are small kitchens with no windows. Locations is nice and easily reachable from the main train station. Recommended as a good cheap alternative.

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