Iso-Hannu Cinema i Rauma

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandIso-Hannu Cinema


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4, Savilankatu, 26100, Rauma, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 50 5556644
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Latitude: 61.1285239, Longitude: 21.5080064

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Chang

    Thomas Chang


    Small cinema but does the job. Has 3d films as well

  • Kairi Rintanen

    Kairi Rintanen


    A small town of Rauma has a small movie theatre. There used to be 3 movie theaters in the 60ies, when TV wasnt so common. Tickets are expensive (8-12eur). Many get a discount price through employers, when buying many. There are 3 halls. You can buy your popcorn, drinks or candies when buying the ticket. Ticket sales is open maybe an hour before the first movie. Often people line up and wait in a small hall when doors are opened.... Looking at their toes, cause Finns are not social. Tickets have no seat numbers. I wish the dark movie halls had escape lights on the stairs. Its a house built in 1940ies, after the other cinema hall was bombed during II WW.

  • emilian scutaru

    emilian scutaru


    Kinda' small but is ok for Rauma I guess.

  • Sanket Kolambkar

    Sanket Kolambkar


    Very small theater... Because of less population of Rauma.. Good location in the city center... If you really love watching movies in Multiplexes and are a movie fan this is not the place for you..

  • A I

    A I


    More than 100 year old but one of the cheapest for ticket prices theater in Finland compared to bigger cities. Neat and tidy Halls and good experience overall. Must visit recommended.

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