La Soupe i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandLa Soupe


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Eriksgatan, 00101, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 45 6150185
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Latitude: 60.1670132, Longitude: 24.9350354

kommentar 5

  • Evgeny Firsov

    Evgeny Firsov


    Menu is limited with soups, sandwiches and quiches. Soups are tasty, Wi-Fi works well

  • en

    Soonpeel Chang


    This place has daily differenr four soups, all of which are not only gluten and lactose free but also highly tasty. One can feel being healthy from the taste itself.

  • Ana Heim

    Ana Heim


    Soups are amazingly delicious and the owner kind! I recommend getting the bone broth combo.

  • Miikka Jokela

    Miikka Jokela


    Awesome soups and quiches (for lunch for instance) either at there or take-away! And such a cute and cozy little place :)

  • Kirill Borissov

    Kirill Borissov


    Good soup, great service and nice atmosphere. One only bad thing is that the price is rather high for such small portions. Bread and salad are not included as well, so for almost 9.- you get a large cup of soup.

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