Nokkalan Majakka i Espoo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandNokkalan Majakka



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2, Nokkalanniemi, 02230, Espoo, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 44 7555932
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1478607, Longitude: 24.7549983

kommentar 5

  • Niclas Winquist

    Niclas Winquist


    Excellent salmon soup. Great view to the sea, beach and harbour. Accessible both by car and boat.

  • Peter Aaltonen

    Peter Aaltonen


    The view is great, but the food came cold and was basically forced to send back to the kitchen.

  • Fabio Colella

    Fabio Colella


    The wonderful panorama alone is worth a visit. I strongly suggest the daily fish soup to try a Finnish-cousine delicacy while admiring the gorgeous landscape.

  • Kimmo K.

    Kimmo K.


    Great location but only an okay cafe. Lots of customers, little space and bad acoustics so it's may get a bit noisy for conversations. Sleek Scandinavian architecture with wood, glass and stone.

  • Aki



    One of the best cafes in Espoo. Located at a marina the ocean view is spectacular no matter what the time of year you visit. Good place to gather with friends and loved ones for either casual coffee or to mark a special occasion. They offer various salty and sweet food options. I would also recommend for lunch. Best time to visit is during summer when upper deck is open with its own bar stand and barbecue themed food dishes. Also note local breweries beer offerings that are only available in selected establishments.

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