Original Sokos Hotel Helsinki i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandOriginal Sokos Hotel Helsinki



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8, Kluuvikatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 20 1234601
internet side: www.sokoshotels.fi
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 60.169689, Longitude: 24.946756

kommentar 5

  • Twometer



    Nice and voran Big room. Very central

  • Niklas Borg

    Niklas Borg


    Good central location and clean rooms. Breakfast spread is good but lacking of fruit.

  • en

    Magnus Larsson


    Great location in the city center close to the train station. Friendly staff. Big rooms but feels a bit worn. Breakfast OK.

  • Janne Salonen

    Janne Salonen


    The rooms are clean and the location is excellent. I had a room that faced the inner yard - basically an alley - of the hotel. This meant that the room didn't have outside noise, but the view was also non-existant. They serve breakfast, but the dining area is not very logical with a definite starting point. Look around first to see what all is offered and then just start from somewhere where you see a plate.

  • en

    Siew Mee Tan


    Location is fabulous. Breakfast good. We were there on Christmas eve and Christmas Day. No need to worry u go hungry. Plenty of cafe/restaurants around and in railway station. K Supermarket was open as well. Practically all museums were closed but there were enough to do and see during this holiday season. Hotel should do something about the poor wifi. Most of the time we were not able to connect even at the lobby area.

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