Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Hämeenlinna i Hämeenlinna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandOriginal Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Hämeenlinna



🕗 åbningstider

7, Possentie, 13200, Hämeenlinna, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 20 1234636
internet side: www.sokoshotels.fi
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 61.0006468, Longitude: 24.475349

kommentar 5

  • glenn waring waring

    glenn waring waring


    Went there for a meal. FOOD is very good but the waiting staff are not very good and all young people and bad service. Manager needs to work hard to train staff to do better job.

  • Sandra Ivonne Treviño Barbosa

    Sandra Ivonne Treviño Barbosa


    The bed was comfortable but there is not an electric kettle in the room so you'll need to go down to the restaurant to get a cup of tea if you want one before going to sleep. They also don't offer any drinks or snacks in the room.

  • Patrik D

    Patrik D


    Everything ok. Food could be healthier.

  • Arto Naskali

    Arto Naskali


    Nice and clean rooms. Nice restaurant near the lobby. Good parking space.

  • Hyeongseon Choi

    Hyeongseon Choi


    Restaurant on the ground floor is incredibly good. Especially the mussel dish and the baked char are the best. If you are disappointed with food of helsinki, this place will change your mind about Finnish food!

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