Pizzeria Bella Napoli i Imatra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandPizzeria Bella Napoli


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61, Viipurintie, 55100, Imatra, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 46 9647390
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 61.156026, Longitude: 28.757058

kommentar 5

  • Oskar Paakkarinen

    Oskar Paakkarinen


    Long waiting time, but pizzas were worth it!

  • Petro Kuosmanen

    Petro Kuosmanen


    Oh man, we came from Tampere and we have some great pizza there, but this was the juiciest tastiest Napoli style pizza I have eaten, worth the wait!

  • cheese_ pancake

    cheese_ pancake


    Great restaurant with great pizza. 👍

  • Jack Mason

    Jack Mason


    This is the best pizza I have had outside Italy. I have tried pizza up and down the east coast of the US. This is true pizza, with high quality all Italian ingredients. Small business owner who is also making the pizza. A true gem of a small town pizza place but where the pizza itself is elevated to Italian standards. Will go again and again. Word of warning, the pizza sometimes takes extra time because of the wood fired oven, so call ahead and make sure the fire is ready if you are pressed for time. Oh, and the owner/chef is super friendly. Loved the simple decor. Also, was the cleanest restaurant I've eaten in, I think EVER! But still maintains a homey atmosphere. Highly recommended.

  • Gianmarco Cappelli

    Gianmarco Cappelli


    A lovely corner of delicious and really tastefully original Italian pizza! Nice atmosphere and good prices))

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