Ravintola Kolme Kruunua i Helsingfors

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FinlandRavintola Kolme Kruunua



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5, Elisabetsgatan, 00170, Helsingfors, FI Finnland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 1354172
internet side: www.kolmekruunua.fi
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Latitude: 60.174318, Longitude: 24.9588232

kommentar 5

  • Hannu Kivikangas

    Hannu Kivikangas


    We went here because it had traditional Finnish food and was not as crazy expensive as the other places. We all got a traditional Finnish dish and they were really good. If you can afford it, the reindeer tenderloin was amazing! They have at least one option for gluten free, vegetarian and low lactose. The staff was friendly. It gets crowded so if you can, you may want to make a reservation through their website just in case. The menu is also on the website in English. I would definitely go back again (I was too full to try the desserts)!

  • de

    Sonja Hofmann


    Feine Hausmannskost, gemütliches Restaurant mit sehr freundlicher Bedieung.

  • Fernando Rascon

    Fernando Rascon


    Traditional Finnish restaurant, nice beer and spirits selection. Book ahead as it gets busy. We had traditional dishes, reindeer, salmon, and salmon soup. They were all tasty and of decent proportion. Try some local beer too, they have at least three different ones. Service is professional and speedy, ambience authentic and warm, frequented by locals, from couples to families. Prices are considerably lower than by the high-end city center spots, where a dinner costs twice as much and you leave hungry.

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    Asko Henkel


    Gehobene Atmosphäre

  • Dirk Gäde

    Dirk Gäde


    Das Essen war hervorragend und die Preise überschaubar. Absolut zu empfehlen. Gehobene leckere Hausmannskost. Wird von vielen Einheimischen besucht. Ist daher sehr gut besucht. Reservierung wird empholen.

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