Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandScandic Hotel Simonkenttä


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9, Simonsgatan, 00100, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 68380
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1691432, Longitude: 24.9349309

kommentar 5

  • Martin D

    Martin D


    Modern and clean. Offers saunas and a rooftop bar with great view. Accessible via kamppi shopping center

  • Alex Ngi

    Alex Ngi


    Good breakfast. Close to shopping. Near a bus terminal. Quiet rooms with thick doors.

  • Mariannee London

    Mariannee London


    We received great attention from the staff, the breakfast is nice, the hotel is modern, the bed is comfortable. Great location, close to the train station and next to the chapel of silence. Great stay here! I stayed here with my son My only complain is to be charged 5,50 euros for a little bottle of spring water.

  • Rie Fage Nielsen

    Rie Fage Nielsen


    Really nice rooms, clean and new feel to them. the staff has understood the meaning of customer service and is always polite and helpful. The restaurant serves really good food and affordable. And the breakfast buffet has everything you might desire, even with special diet requirements.

  • en

    Martha Helwig


    Had a great stay at this hotel. The hotel staff were very nice and helpful. The hotel is very clean, and the beds were comfortable. The complementary breakfast is amazing. The hotel location was very convenient to areas within the city. There is a lower level connection from the hotel to the Kamppi shopping center, which has tunnel connections to the train station and bus terminal. I will definitely stay here again when visiting Helsinki.

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