Sellon kirjasto w Espoo

FinlandiaSellon kirjasto



🕗 godziny otwarcia

9, Leppävaarankatu, 02070, Espoo, FI Finland
kontakt telefon: +358 9 81657603
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 60.2174761, Longitude: 24.8099684

komentarze 5

  • Sergey Martikainen

    Sergey Martikainen


    Very nice, modern library. Which not only offers a variety of books but even has a bicycle repairshop. There's also a section for kids and quiet reading. The library offers language courses for foreigners and has a lot of events. You can also check the website for more service information and if you are searching for a place to print things, you can do it here free of charge (but only 20 pages!).

  • en

    Renny Ruha


    Large library, good selection, reading/study areas, kids area, band room, printing and scanning possibilities, even 3d printing.

  • Camui Hideaki

    Camui Hideaki


    This is library so you must be quiet right? But in this library there is no "quiet" there is lots of screaming and staff doesn't do anything about it or even kick them.

  • Samuel Sylf

    Samuel Sylf


    During a day, even the staff could not abide the rule "Silent area" on the second floor. I was working and having a phone call in a room, but the staff opened the door's lock three times, 15 mins in advance, for the next reservation (before it was scheduled to begin), thus my work was interrupted trice. Anyway, that was simply an unregular day. Overall the quality of the library is outstanding, and the staff is delivering good service in manifold languages. The place is eventful, musical, imaginary with a plenty of possibilities to craft (DIY). Keep developing! Find a way to remind everybody to be quieter.

  • Rob Rdz

    Rob Rdz


    One of the most complete libraries I have ever been in Finland. It has Areas for kids and youngsters that don't disturb the quietness of the book lovers in the rest of the library. Need a 3D printer? you will find several here.

najbliższy Biblioteka

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