Shopping Mall Easton Helsinki i Helsinki

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FinlandShopping Mall Easton Helsinki



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3, Kauppakartanonkatu, 00930, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 10 5383600
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.2096091, Longitude: 25.0833636

kommentar 5

  • Mikko Sellgren

    Mikko Sellgren


    Pretty basic mall. Citymarket and some smaller shops, but not much else.

  • en

    Jasper Forget


    In my opinion, the best shopping centre in Helsinki. The building is really new and looks great. K City Market inside has basically everything you need.

  • Sebi Tauciuc

    Sebi Tauciuc


    We had high expectations from Easton and so far they've under delivered. The City Market is good, we got Kotipizza, which is awesome and the play area for kids is very handy. However, life is missing from Easton. The first two floors are parking lots and walking up through that space feels cold and uninteresting. On the ground floor there are two restaurants (or something) but their position inside the mall and layout is just uninviting. They are building the second phase now, looking forward to it, maybe we see that green space from the original project plan.

  • jian gu

    jian gu


    Built on the previous parking square, it is a modern shopping center. The big plus is the indoor parking for the shoppers. The anchor shop is of course the K-City market

  • Ridvan Dalkilic

    Ridvan Dalkilic


    By the time of me writing this, This place is considered as a new shopping mall, not the biggest but it's not that small either. There's the K Citymarket witch you can get almost anything related to groceries. There's an American Diner and a sushi restaurant with some other food restaurants as well. Wayne's coffee is also located and a floor below there's a rental public washing machine area as well. All and all , a solid place for you to buy groceries and hang out for a while.

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