Sixt Autovuokraamo Helsinki i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandSixt Autovuokraamo Helsinki



🕗 åbningstider

4, John Stenbergin ranta, 00530, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 20 1122553
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1773171, Longitude: 24.9515352

kommentar 5

  • fi

    Ilkka Lindstedt


    Halpa ja hyvä. Olen vuokrannut täältä useita kertoja, aina tyytyväisenä

  • fi

    Joni Honkaniemi


  • it

    Enrico Della Rossa


  • de

    Max Reese


  • en

    L Lindsey


    We booked and prepaid our car, when we came to pick it up, the size we had paid for was not available. We were told that the manager was on holiday so there was nothing that could be done even about refunding us for the price difference that they owed us. We were assured they would call us once the manager was back two days later. No phone call came. The office was not open when we returned the car so we could not talk with them about refund then. When we got back home we found an email sent to us on the day the car was due back informing us that we could return the tank empty. As we had no access to emails whilst travelling we never got this in time and even if we had, returning the car with an empty tank would not have covered the difference in cost of what Sixt owed us. Having a smaller car was an inconvenience with a baby and all the paraphernalia that goes with small children but even more frustrating is that still nearly a month later we are waiting for a refund. Our emails have not been replied to. When we have managed to get hold of them on the phone, we've been told again that they would have to talk with the manager and get back to us. So here we are still waiting... So in our experience, this is a company to be avoided. Poor contact. We were charged for services they were unable to offer us. Prepaid and prebooked a car and yet given a smaller one and then not refunded for the extra you paid - not an experience you want to have on your Christmas holiday when travelling with young children!

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