Sushi wagocoro i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandSushi wagocoro



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63, Runebergsgatan, 00260, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 40 0299415
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1807252, Longitude: 24.9252809

kommentar 5

  • en

    Darton E


    One of the best sushi places in Finland. Small venue and limited opening hours, but friendly staff & quality of food make up for it.

  • Fredrika Hallenberg

    Fredrika Hallenberg


    One of the best restaurants in whole of Helsinki. Can't get any better with sushi in Finland. Staff is lovely and food is one of the most delicious I've ever eaten.

  • en

    Joonatan Sohkanen


    Easily the best sushi you can get in Helsinki. You get some serious quality for the price! It’s amazing. When you go try the Omakase.

  • en

    Samu Viitanen


    Excellent sushi done with Japanese quality. Only six seats, reminds me of restaurants in Japan. Friendly service.

  • Camillo Särs

    Camillo Särs


    A hidden gem, where the Japanese owners serve the best sushi in Finland. The quality of the sushi is only matched by the hospitality of the owners, who have a long experience in making sushi. They have been known to sometimes have Japanese sushi rice for sale by the bag - hard to come by outside of Japan. Only seven seats, so be prepared to wait for a seat or order takeaway. Sometimes closed during summer and holidays, so keep an eye on their Facebook page for updates.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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