Teatteri i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Pohjoisesplanadi, 00130, Helsinki, FI Finnland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 61285000
internet side: www.teatteri.fi
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Latitude: 60.167569, Longitude: 24.9438919

kommentar 5

  • esa aho

    esa aho


    Location is superb. In the middle of everything. Good cocktail selection, nice terrace, oddly there seems to space even in a sunny saturday late afternoon. And you can't visit Helsinki (or actually Finland) without ordering Napue Tonic.

  • Rik Stavale

    Rik Stavale


    Good location and outside terrace. The criticism isn't about service or location, it's about paying €17. 50 for 2 bottles of Peroni beer!

  • en

    Ben Lawson


    Amazing salads that are very filling. Stylish clientele, skilled bartenders. I had an amoretto sour that was out of this world. I could not believe how much I got with the salad. Good value at around 12 Euro. Views over the flower filled park. Ambience with background music was perfect. This place is a real credit to Helsinki. Looking forward to coming here a big later at night

  • Michael Arkwright

    Michael Arkwright


    Quite classy Lounge, restaurant and nightclub. In ground floor there is 2 lounge area and restaurant. Second floor is nightclub, there is also VIP area which needs VIP card.

  • M T G

    M T G


    Teatteri ("the Theater") restaurant bundle with its trendy bars, restaurants and a night club has always been one of the hot spots in the heart of Helsinki. The terraces and the VIP lounge are popular especially during the summer season.

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