THE YARD Concept Hostel i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandTHE YARD Concept Hostel



🕗 åbningstider

3 A 45, Kalevankatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finnland
kontakter telefon: +358 40 0909118
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.168012, Longitude: 24.9394345

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Chevaux

    Anthony Chevaux


    Auberge très bien situé pour visiter la ville et pour faire la fête le soir. Auberge très propre et avec tous les services (wifi, cuisine, etc). Par contre si vous voulez de l'ambiance, il faut la mettre 😎🎉🎊 L'auberge est sur un seul étage ce qui facilite pas mal les choses quand tu te réveilles avec 2 grammes dans chaque bras 😆

  • de

    hannes fissel


    Preis /Leistung vollkommen gerechtfertigt,! Würde wieder dort einkehren!

  • Luca Gentile

    Luca Gentile


    The living room and kitchen are the best feature of this hostel. I love the fact that you are without shoes inside, it's so cozy! Just the price is a bit high. I would also recommend them to have a "free food" shelf to avoid food waste and to recycle the garbage.

  • en

    Sara Aurora J


    No windows, and no towel included in private room, which is already well overpriced. Staff don't greet you when you enter/leave the place, and they don't seem to know Helsinki and are not bothered about your experience at all. Only good things are location and cleanliness.

  • R pueng

    R pueng


    Excellent location. Friendly staff. Room, kitchen, sharing space were great. 4 shared bathrooms and 4 shared rest rooms. Well decorated and stylish.

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