Airport Hotel Bonus Inn i Vantaa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandAirport Hotel Bonus Inn


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9, Elannontie, 01510, Vantaa, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 825511
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.2887682, Longitude: 24.9502117

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jan Kahl


    Good Hotel. Perfect room. Good breakfast. Can be recommended for short stay and events. Palju available with good view.

  • Anna-Liisa Etholen

    Anna-Liisa Etholen


    the hotel was very good and clean, only thing which should be corrected is the air condition, there was none in our double rooms. Breakfast was not tested as the flight was so early. The transportation to airport was very good.

  • Michael Smith

    Michael Smith


    My experience at this hotel is the best I have had in years. I was taken care of the best way possible, I was extremely comfortable and the food was excellent.

  • Pavel Salin

    Pavel Salin


    Stayed only one night before my flight. Clean and good hotel, close to airport 5-10 minutes. Shuttle bus goes every 30 min to airport. Good and delicious food at bar. Included breakfast. All well organized at hotel. Good impression.

  • Amita RajGuru

    Amita RajGuru


    Nice place that will do for a short night stay before an early flight. They have a free airport shuttle bus, which is ideal when you leave before 6am. Friendly staff too!! The rooms are basic, but they will do if you're not picky. Oh, but they have a great shower!

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