Almost@home в Vantaa




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3, Lentäjänkuja, 01530, Vantaa, FI Finland
контакты телефон: +358 20 7629774
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 60.3174296, Longitude: 24.9639741

Комментарии 5

  • heikki ylinen

    heikki ylinen


    Nice lounge. The food selection could be a bit more wide, but otherwise good place to relax before the flight

  • en

    Alex Packer


    Lovely variety of healthy food and a few Finnish classics. An informal vibe and simple but stylish decor make this one pretty good as airport lounges go.

  • en

    Matt Ontop


    Really? People sure get wowed by aesthetics rather than content these days. First, it’s near impossible to find unless you know it’s in the duty free store after passport control. Even then, good luck because Helsinki Airport doesn’t believe in putting up signs there directing you where to go. It is small and only resembles a home in that the eating area looks like a kitchen. But food selection is poor and I already have trouble finding the cutlery in my own home let alone have to figure out what drawer it’s in here! Limited alcohol selection and there are signs most places selling upgrades like bottled water or champagne. If you have time, there’s a slightly better food selection at the Aspire lounge pre-passport control. It only took me 3 minutes to clear that but 10 minutes to find this lounge.

  • Pavol Jasem

    Pavol Jasem


    Nice place, with a selection of meals and beverages. However, there were only two warm meals (local soup and eggplant lasagna). I think this is still a win when you're thinking of eating somewhere at this airport. But meal selection is quite small compared to Oslo. Beverages selection lacks when comparing e.g. with Vienna lounges. I'd also recommend to switch coffee brand served. But still, if you're at this airport, you should try this nice cozy place.

  • Surasak Netraprajag

    Surasak Netraprajag


    Absolutely nice airport lounge. It’s so different from other airport lounges around the world, this lounge isn’t luxury but homey and down to earth, no hot foods but healthy foods, no boarding announcement because they know we need quiet and relaxing environment. The staffs were very nice and polite.

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