Arkadia Hotel & Hostel i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandArkadia Hotel & Hostel


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1, Tattarinsuontie, 00770, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 40 0218748
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.2591243, Longitude: 25.0629357

kommentar 5

  • Muhammad Minhaj Khan

    Muhammad Minhaj Khan


    It was an excellent experience for the first time,I took risk to find this hotel, transferred twice via train ad bus respectively. Below are the pictures which shows bus stops and front view of the hotel. HELSINKI, FINLAND

  • Hannes Urbanik

    Hannes Urbanik


    The worst hotel I have ever been to. But it also was almost the cheapest in town.

  • Precious Raymond

    Precious Raymond


    Nice place to live with no problem. I hate problems. No problems no cry. Cheers. Quick pay quick Stay. Great

  • Borde



    At first me and my friend were directed into a room with 2 bunk beds, 3 chairs and a small table. No bathroom, entire room smelled of some weird cleaning detergent but the floors, walls and chairs were insanely dirty. We asked for a better room and got one ("cheap" room was 79€, better one was 89€) which had two beds, small bathroom TV and a minifridge - neither of which were plugged in. The minifridge had a lot of mold inside it so we didn't store our food in it. Overall the guy at the desk was nice, but the rooms and facilities were absolutely awful and I would much rather sleep in a tent outside than stay another night in this place. Avoid at all costs.

  • Niklas Saari

    Niklas Saari


    Service attitude was good, everything else was poor. The hotel failed to inform us that our booking could not be processed (we did receive confirmation email), thus we travelled 600km to find out we had no room​ and the hotel was fully booked. We did manage to get a room in the end, but everything about it is simply miserable. Flooring is coming off, there is piping going through the room, not to mention the moldy scent. But hey, it is the cheapest!

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