Bierhaus München i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandBierhaus München



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1, Tölöviksgatan, 00101, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 45 1381635
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.1731401, Longitude: 24.9392274

kommentar 5

  • Juhana Heino

    Juhana Heino


    Nice selection of beer, because of that well worth visiting. Downside is that the central location makes it quite crowded most evenings.

  • Rolle Rantala

    Rolle Rantala


    If you really want beer and whiskey knowledge near downtown, this is the place. They allso have excellent bar snacks. I took the bratwurst mit mayonese and it was excellent. I would think that the sausage would taste like this in other european bierhauses but i only have The reference from münich and it was october then. The staff deserves 10+

  • Pauli Laatikainen

    Pauli Laatikainen


    Good selection though lacking in seat space, this is redeemed a bit during summer with terrace built outside.

  • en

    Vili Häkkinen


    Good whisky and beer selection. The seats and tables are pretty tightly packed.

  • Tuomas Jäälinoja

    Tuomas Jäälinoja


    Slightly hidden away but still easily accessible on the best of HEL. Nothing to write home about but gets two additional stars for the phenomenal whiskey selection.

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