Budget Autovuokraamo i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandBudget Autovuokraamo



🕗 åbningstider

24, Malminkatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 10 4362233
internet side: www.budget.fi
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 60.1675767, Longitude: 24.929108

kommentar 3

  • Patrick Singer

    Patrick Singer


    Smooth and quick pick-up, friendly staff.

  • en

    Maria Kivelä


  • Kevin Oliver

    Kevin Oliver


    Just wanted to warn fellow travelers that if you rent from this location, they close early at 4pm on weekdays and are not open on weekends. This is problematic because when you return your car after hours, this facility has no open garage in which to return your vehicle. The receptionist will calmly tell you, "all you have to do is park on the street, anywhere, and mark on this map where you left the car, then leave your map and keys in our drop box." What they don't tell you is there is no on-street parking near this location for non-residents. All parking is reserved until 9pm weekdays and 6pm weekends for residents only. Non-residents can only buy one hour of parking, with the risk of being towed if you just leave your car on the street "anywhere" for more than an hour. Call me crazy, but a car rental office should have a place you can return your vehicle to after hours without the risk of being towed. We spent several hours in vain trying to find a place to safely leave our car and mark the map we were given, before we finally parked the car across town in a Q-Park facility. Then we had to get up the next morning and return the car to their office a second time at 8am after paying for an extra night of parking in the city. The rental office has a sign saying you are responsible for what happens to your car (i.e., towed), before they pick it up. It's just too much hassle to rent from this location. The receptionist should be more honest with renters and give them maps of places they can safely leave their cars between 4pm-9pm on weekdays, because the street is not an option contrary to what they told me and other renters when I was in the office. Also, the GPS they gave us did not work, but they did credit our bill for that at least. Thankfully we had cellular backup for navigation.

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