Cumulus Resort Laajavuori i Jyväskylä

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FinlandCumulus Resort Laajavuori


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30, Laajavuorentie, 40740, Jyväskylä, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 200 48119
internet side:
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Latitude: 62.259265, Longitude: 25.6972221

kommentar 5

  • Axel Beier

    Axel Beier


    Overall a mixed package that is overpriced This hotel is basically in the middle of nowhere, at a scenic place, close to a popular winter sports area and a near lake. Which might be great for sports, but I came for a business trip in June. And no shops or other restaurants are around. My room itself was clean, modern and refurbished. I loved the laminate floor as I cannot stand those dirty and sticky hotel carpets. However the windows of my room and the balcony were on the same level as the flat roof with many noisy air conditioning devices, which devalues the room. I love to sleep with open windows, but I was only able to sleep with ear plugs. Not to mention the awful view... However the hotel offers a great breakfast, fast WIFI and has a fantastic sauna and spa that made me forget my unpleasant room. The hotel staff was friendly but not stellar. Well, just another big hotel chain if you know what I mean. I have heard that some people do not like the 70s "concrete" style of this quite big hotel. No issue for me: It is a very lean, clean and smart architecture, which I personally like. But it is not precisely a cosy winter challet. I suppose you know who you are. Overall the Scandic Laajavuori offered me a mixed package that is totally overpriced in my point of view: 306 EUR for two nights in a very basic room at off-season. Ask for a room at the lake side - and without air conditioning noise - whenever possible!

  • Richard Haagensen

    Richard Haagensen


    Good family spa.

  • Jack Jeon

    Jack Jeon


    To those who go to this hotel, I recommend you to take bus or car and not try to walk since the hotel is located above a steep hill. Don't be fooled by the outside look of the hotel. Though it might look very glim and boring on the outside, it's certainly refreshing inside. It has amazing spa at night, bowling hall, and bar is also available for the night, although it closes fairly soon.

  • en

    Kat Cat


    Feeling cheated. Hotel was said to have an air con system, which it does not. Well to be honest, rooms do have a thermostat, but it makes no difference to the temperature whatsoever. Also windows are shut tight, so effectively its scorching heat nonstop. The public areas are well aired, but night time in room is a torture. 9am heat inside well over 30 degrees. We complained about it but apparently its same everywhere. Also its really loud in the rooms. It's probably the swimming pool systems that make the sound, but there is so much noise inside the rooms that we woke up few times - unusual as we are people who live in a centre of a city. Breakfast is OK, nothing spectacular. Spa centre mediocre and uses temp staff, not worth the money. Pools and saunas are very nice, the only true plus. In total, outdated and falsely advertised, unlikely to deserve a second stay.

  • en

    Sven Hippler


    Good pet friendliness; terrible food; rooms advertised with panoramic view are worthless because of tall trees.

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