Deli Rasoi i Espoo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandDeli Rasoi



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11, Siltakatu, 02770, Espoo, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 42891892
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Latitude: 60.2035793, Longitude: 24.6578945

kommentar 5

  • Priyanka Sherry Karat

    Priyanka Sherry Karat


    Good ambiance, Quality food, wide spread in the Buffet. I have visited almost all the Indian restaurants in Espoo n Helsinki region, must say Deli Rasoi is the best!

  • Christian Tschoepe

    Christian Tschoepe


    I went to this place three times in the last three weeks and was really impressed with the quality of the food and how nice the atmosphere was. Every time I've gone the buffet menu has been at least slightly different, but always in a good way. Free coffee and tea in the restaurant and a really nice and casual environment. Would highly recommend if you are ever hungry ;)

  • Jukka Nykänen

    Jukka Nykänen


    Indian restaurant with delicious and spicy food. Take out boxes were genious and it took only 20 min to get our food, as promised.

  • en

    Karan Malhotra


    My all time favorite restaurant. Food is really good. Offers egg free Naanbread.

  • Johannes Väänänen

    Johannes Väänänen


    10.5 e lunch buffet. Two vegetarian options, naan and rice with salads was enough for lunch.

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