Elmo Sport Bistro i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandElmo Sport Bistro



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Tekla Hultinin Aukio 1, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 44 0544632
internet side: elmobistro.fi
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Latitude: 60.1721209, Longitude: 24.9373657

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mohamed najib Laaziz


    Good atmosphere. But come on you don't have a coffee machine?

  • Juha Nurmonen

    Juha Nurmonen


    There are several TV sets and a screen accompanied with pay TV licences, and thus this is a good place for watching sport events. There is an outdoors area, too. From the bar you also find anything from beer to hard liquor. However, the garden chairs indoors and the atmosphere did not impress much.

  • Juuso Ilmelä

    Juuso Ilmelä


    Lot of screens and good place to watch sports. Food is ok, but there is no table service and you need to order everything from the bar. When there is lot of people watching sports there is continuous que.

  • Tuomo Kuikka

    Tuomo Kuikka


    I go here regularly to have a lunch. I like to athmosprehe and waiter is very nice too. Menu is simple and short but never have had to leave without a good choice.

  • Janne Strang

    Janne Strang


    Catch most tv-games here and enjoy an ice-cold, one litre beer.

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