Finnkino Maxim i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandFinnkino Maxim


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1, Kluuvikatu, 00100, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 600 007007
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Latitude: 60.168137, Longitude: 24.9476859

kommentar 5

  • Cassel Mo

    Cassel Mo


    Super cool way to watch a film, also you can find unique films showing here. Plus drink beer and eat food. Just wish they had more meal options, but still great!

  • Nghiem Dac Vinh Bui

    Nghiem Dac Vinh Bui


    This is something missing for Helsinki, a cosy and still high class movie theatre. The seats are really lovely. I like the fact that they have a more selective set of movies, even though they're Finnkino. The bar offers snacks and drinks which are not cheap but if you really wanna enjoy a different way of movie watching then it's worth it.

  • en

    Aarne Ojanperä


    Quite the different feel to watch movies here, liked it a lot

  • Tapio J. K. Koski

    Tapio J. K. Koski


    Extremely comfortable movie theatre. The seats are amazing, a mix of library at home massive armchair kind of delight and elegant olden day design. The auditorium is intimate yet spacy so you don't have to stand up to allow people pass in front of you. The fazer cafe treats are nice but priced to make your wallet empty - Not to mention they don't offer fazer cafe desserts like buns and cakes. Still the movie ticket price is a small increase compared to the spacy, intimate and nostalgic atmosphere.

  • en

    Fubar Jay


    Good cinema. Their isn't really a slope on the floor, so if you are further back you aren't higher up. It is accounted for by having alot of space between rows and seats to enable everyone to see. Would recommend front row on the balcony section, or perhaps around the 3rd/4th row back on the ground.

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