Helsinki Cathedral в Helsingfors

ФинляндияHelsinki Cathedral



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29, Unionsgatan, 00170, Helsingfors, FI Finland
контакты телефон: +358 9 23406120
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 60.1704191, Longitude: 24.9521651

Комментарии 5

  • Mini Rag

    Mini Rag


    A must visit Helsinki destination, a more traditional church compared to the others you'll visit. The outside is gorgeous, the inside is even more amazing. Check out the golden chandeliers, look up to admire their beauty. The altar is quite impressive, even if understated compared to the ones you'll see in Rome. :)

  • Alex Nelly

    Alex Nelly


    There are always iconic buildings in every city. Some that live up to their "billing" and dome that disappoint. In the case of the Helsinki Cathedral, it does live up to its billing. For most drama, approach it from Senate Square as it sits on the top of a hill from that viewpoint. (Approaching it from other directions doesn't do it justice). The Cathedral dominates Senate Square and is resplendent in white. It is adorned with monumental steps and flanked by Soviet-era style buildings. Any visit to Helsinki has to include seeing this place. A beautiful iconic building, inside and out. Make sure you look out towards the harbour once you're up at the entrance.

  • Mikk Rosin

    Mikk Rosin


    Inside you can almost feel like there are eyes watching you when standing in certain places. The architecture is well thought out. Unlike some other churches near by this one does not have an entrance fee altho being more prominently displayed. Calm and quiet. Nice to step in if the city noise has been a drag.

  • Prashant Kumar

    Prashant Kumar


    What's good The cathedral is huge and located right next to the busy marketplace. What's not good The interiors are simple and ok. What to do Take pictures with cathedral at backdrop. Visit in summer and enjoy the sunshine.

  • beka rauen

    beka rauen


    This is an amazing building from the outside. Unfortunately it was closed when we got there, so I couldn't see inside. But I enjoyed walking around the exterior and appreciating the architecture. There are several steps to get up to it (roughly 50 I'd guess) which are quite steep. But atop the steps you can look out over the city. Surely worth checking out if you're in Helsinki. Also check out the library next door. Free to go inside and look around at amazing architecture and beautifully displayed books.

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