Hilton Helsinki Airport i Vantaa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandHilton Helsinki Airport


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1, Lentäjänkuja, 01530, Vantaa, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 73220
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 60.3161814, Longitude: 24.9642235

kommentar 5

  • Louis Heering

    Louis Heering


    Convenient airport hotel with nice clean rooms. A great place to stay if you need to be close to the airport. The city is easy to reach by train however it is about a 40min journey.

  • en

    Kimka Duk


    Usability comfort, simplicity! Many hooks (for clothes, towels, bathrobe), very clever idea with a kind of shelfs next to the bed- build-in cupboard from each side of the bed(not higher, not lower, faraway or too close - I think it is very important when you are in a new place and you are in sleeping mode:), many plugs, lights for every taste (from bright to dim), kettle, isolation of room excellent, absolutely(!) quiet (NO noise from outside (planes,construction works) and inside) , proper table with the same proper chair. The size of bathroom very good - shower and bath (in our twin simple room), has even retractable clothes line, just small thing that I don’t like it- it’s a sliding glass door (just not a fan of this kind of material). Thoughtful design as usual in Hilton!

  • en

    E H


    Great place to stay for a night before early morning flight. Their restaurant serves delicious food, really recommended. Had a wonderful reindeer tartare, really tasty. The staff is professional, Hilton standard. Overall a good place i can recommend

  • Ishrafa Ulianov

    Ishrafa Ulianov


    I didn't stay at this hotel but I used their restaurant. It was late so the bar staff helped me. The waiter/bartender was extremely courteous. The restaurant looks like a diner in a large room. My drink was not to my expectation but it's a personal taste. The food was good given that I was hungry and it was late. It's only 5 minutes walk from GLO hotel in the airport.

  • Mario Huliselan

    Mario Huliselan


    This hotel is the perfect stay for travelers. After a long flight, this place has the right facilities, amenities, service and mindset that you need to re-energize yourself. Rooms are nice, clean and quiet. Hotel staff friendly and making sure you as a guest are doing well. It is a good place to stay at.

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