Hotel Cumulus Kaisaniemi i Helsinki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandHotel Cumulus Kaisaniemi


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7, Kaisaniemenkatu, 00100, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 200 48107
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Latitude: 60.171684, Longitude: 24.948007

kommentar 5

  • Majid Hajian

    Majid Hajian


    I was in this hotel for 3 nights and I guess I would say it's an acceptable and affordable hotel, not very fancy though.

  • Vitalii Bobrov

    Vitalii Bobrov


    Nice vintage hotel in great location. It has separate!!! metro station entrance.

  • Liis Roosi

    Liis Roosi


    Nice and clean hotel. Location is perfect in the city center. The only minus is that there was no fish (salmon or trout, herring) for the breakfast. 😊

  • en

    Lars Åsmund Tangen


    Was there for one week. The first day, the breakfast was lacking some items (cutlery, juice etc.) The rest of the days everything was in place and I enjoyed the food. The staff was nice and the check in/out was super quick. The rooms were pretty standard, but I didnt feel that it lacked anything.

  • David Clarke

    David Clarke


    The hotel rooms were spacious, functional and clean. Would have loved to have had a few more "must see" recommendations of Helsinki attractions from hotel staff. The hotel is in a fantastic location, close by to all the Helsinki attractions and main train station. I enjoyed my stay, it was comfortable, easy to get to and offered an excellent, diverse breakfast.

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