Jeppis Gym i Pietarsaari

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandJeppis Gym



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25, Koulukatu, 68600, Pietarsaari, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 6 7237544
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Latitude: 63.6779286, Longitude: 22.7054532

kommentar 5

  • Lee Reynolds

    Lee Reynolds


    Great gym and equipment. Only thing I found poor was the lack of hygiene by the users. I was the only person using a towel. A guy next to me was sweating all over the equipment and didnt bother to clean it afterwards.

  • Jermu Myllyharju

    Jermu Myllyharju


    Loistava paikka ja puitteet raudan nälkäisille !

  • Billy Enholm

    Billy Enholm


    When you hear about a once champion or former champion in weightlifting or body building owning a gym your instantly drawn there :)!! If either your passion is to lift heavy weight or you enjoy building your body to your desire then wouldn't you want to learn from some of the best ??  Tapio Hepokangas owner of the biggest & best gym in Jakobstad also former Nordic & Finish weightlifting champion & was ranked 4th in the World :)!! Was visiting family in Finland for the past 7 days and had the pleasure to visit Jeppis gym 5 times :), there was an even amount of older and younger people through out the morning when i went:). The gym itself is located with in Stränjberjs Tobaksfabriken (can see the clock upon entering the gym from the car park) :)!! They had a big bunch of Cardio machines, a stretching room witb hydraulic weighted exercise machines, foam rollers etc & a really cool asian workout cable machine, then a very big space with all the weight plated machines you could want, skiing machine, crossfit section, benches & dumbells, also a a comp bench & Sqaut rack. They have their own Jeppis gym magazine, with all the news & events, also about the many trainers & people who train at the gym preparing for competitions. Would proudly recommend this gym to anyone as would any of the other people i know who train there :).

  • Henrik Luna

    Henrik Luna



  • Markus Holmstrom

    Markus Holmstrom


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