Kahvi Charlotta в Helsingfors

ФинляндияKahvi Charlotta



🕗 время открытия

5b, Runebergsgatan, 00100, Helsingfors, FI Finland
контакты телефон: +358 50 4110131
Веб-сайт: www.kahvicharlotta.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 60.1691103, Longitude: 24.9283373

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Alexander Heye


    Great coffee and food, though be careful sitting outside, a very pushy bird wouldn't leave us alone unless we bribed it with an almond!

  • Martin Plávala

    Martin Plávala


    Nice place with great coffee and sandwiches. Great for breakfast.

  • Henry Söderlund

    Henry Söderlund


    A seemingly popular yet pleasant and small gentrification oriented cafeteria at the relatively close proximity of a massive transportation conjunction and shopping center torment. Want to get out of the torment of shopping center? Well this might be your haven in this urban capitalism oriented world. If you manage to get a seating place here. This place is quite popular indeed which makes it a bit hard to visit sometimes. During summertime it's easier to get indoor spot here because subnormal and ever so hopeful sunbathers in Finland crowd the spacious terrace. In case you're into this sungloring fandom it's recommended to visit here summertime too. Prices are higher than average but the regular customer of this establishment doesn't need to worry these things. For regular Joe this isn't a place to visit not too often at least. Service is friendly and joyful which is the reason why I recommend this venue. It's not a multi continental chain cafeteria that is too often faceless and cast molded when talking about service and venue itself. I like this cafeteria even though it's not good for my wallet. Therefore I recommend this establishment for other people too. They also sell coffee, beverages and other tea-like things here. So not only drinking and eating stimulants here. You can buy them home too.

  • en

    Emily Gutman


    Great coffee and pastries! A bit cramped for prams, and no high chairs available, but the perfect place for a cozy chat with friends.

  • Nick The Long Shanks

    Nick The Long Shanks


    Tasty food and coffee although the sandwiches are a bit dry. Nice atmosphere though - very chilled and relaxed. They have free WiFi also if that's an important thing to note. Staff are also super nice.

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