Leos Leikkimaa в Tampere

ФинляндияLeos Leikkimaa



🕗 время открытия

8, Sellukatu, 33400, Tampere, FI Finland
контакты телефон: +358 20 7432460
Веб-сайт: www.leosleikkimaa.fi
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 61.5158546, Longitude: 23.6751805

Комментарии 5

  • Micheal Lis

    Micheal Lis


    Leo is good place for kids to play. So we enter and the cashier as we are paying we are asked if we had been there before which we hadnt so we said we hadnt. Cashier goes ahead and says that they have rules and since we are in Finland, they have to be followed. I dont know if she tells everybody that but we found it racist. We dont have to be reminded we are in Finland. The cashier was rude and defensive. If thats what they tell every foreigner coming there then it has to change.Its offensive

  • Simon Back

    Simon Back


    Large indoor playground with a multitude of activities for kids of different ages. Adults can also join in on the fun for free to supervise and help where needed. Couches and chairs are also available throughout the playground. The staff is helpful and cheerful. Activities safe as long as rules are followed. Also a good place for lunch and dinner if you find yourself there at those times. It is a little difficult to find, and the racing slides may need some maintenance.

  • Pasi Ääpälä

    Pasi Ääpälä


    Really good indoors amusement park with tons of slides, ladders, ball pits, ball guns, climbing nets and much more. Small area for having refreshments (enough room for anyone). Separate room, that you can reserve for special occasions etc.

  • Jussi Jokinen

    Jussi Jokinen


    Quite tidy compared to other similar venues. Lots of different areas to explore for different age children and the food options are nice with vegetables also available. A bit more costly than for example Hoplop, but you can buy 5 or 10 entries with a discount and there's also an option to buy a season/year membership for about 200 Euros if you want to go there more frequently.

  • Prasanna Kumar

    Prasanna Kumar


    Nice place for both kids also for parents to hang out. Next to Toysrus. Handy to pick gifts for birthday parties. Sufficient parking places. A bit out of the city, so limited bus services to reach from city centre...

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