Lidl Karjaa FI

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FinlandLidl Karjaa



🕗 åbningstider

50, Ratakatu, 10300, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 800 05435
internet side:
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Latitude: 60.0707605, Longitude: 23.6650628

kommentar 5

  • Joni Siltaniemi

    Joni Siltaniemi


    In some items it is worth the driving. But it is still just a grocery shop.

  • Minion Commander

    Minion Commander


    Nice Lidl. Clean and a good assortment.

  • Linus Westerlund

    Linus Westerlund


    Great staff

  • P. Flores

    P. Flores


    Bright and clean, well stacked and friendly service, cashier's have a smile most of the time. With the renovation that happened some months ago, items are in different places but can be found by taking a bit of time. The new inside communication system sometimes gives the impression that the staff is talking to you or themselves 😁

  • Trash Mail

    Trash Mail


    After a month of being closed for renovations, the new facelift that has been done makes it less welcoming and more "mainstream" almost S-Market looking, fresh produce first, breads second and cold vitrine with cheese and meats to the far end. Some products had changed place and now a new learning curve to start since it still is not like the other Lidl stores distribution format.

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