Lilla Bockholm в Esbo

ФинляндияLilla Bockholm


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Lilla Bockholm, Esbo, Finnland
контакты телефон: +358
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 60.1323918, Longitude: 24.7591321

Комментарии 5

  • sv



    A very comfortable resort for the vacationer who prefers the small and humble over the big and luxurious. This resort is ab especially great choice for those with an active lifestyle. The island is surrounded by a deep pool filled with sea water, the land is covered in sturdy trees, and the port has plenty of wild dumbells. A great and natural gym experience. Most of the downsides to this place comes from the very "forceful" management. I tried to order my favourite dish of Chinese grain, poultry pectorals, and fresh broccoli, but the chef insulted my palate and served me potatoes and beef. The meal was delicious and I can't fault the chef but his tone was not very pleasant. Due to an overbooked weekend there were no vacant rooms so I was forced to sleep in a closet. I do admit the closet was to my surprise very comfortable, but it was still not a great experience. All in all a fantastic place. Most of the critique is directed towards the attitude management and staff, and I feel as if fixing these would warrant a very solid 5

  • en

    Melina W


    The dogs were great, the service was great and the wine was even better. Most importantly the price to quality ratio was on point. The place was a little crowded however and some guests had to sleep in a tent, luckily they received a discount on their purchase.

  • Eldrythan



    Arrived at the island after a nice boat ride with dogs. Unfortunately, the boat ride was not indicative of the island experience: once there, I was immediately put to work scrubbing the deck. There were more dogs though, so it wasn't a total loss.

  • en

    Lukas Lundin


    We stay at this resort every year, and it has to be the most accommodating place I’ve ever stayed at on this island. Within walking distance of everything we like doing during midsummer (swimming, eating, nightclubs, saunas) I can’t imagine staying anywhere else on the island.

  • John Fast

    John Fast


    Dogs, bears and sauna, what else can you ask for? 5/5 would recommend for cool travellers. Don't mind the bearded hippie who m occasionally visits the island, you'll win his friendship by first disliking him and arguing with him and then realising you're very alike and that it was all a window to the past.

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