Mr.Don i Helsingfors

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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28, Runebergsgatan, 00100, Helsingfors, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 440324
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Latitude: 60.1745784, Longitude: 24.9219489

kommentar 5

  • Otto Kuparsaari

    Otto Kuparsaari


    Good place for a couple friendly beers or watching a sports event. They also have rather good food serving.

  • Aditya Kakkar

    Aditya Kakkar


    Great place to have good food and spend time. Nice hospitality by the owner Mr Iqbal.

  • Camillo Särs

    Camillo Särs


    Mr. Don is not your average pizza joint. This is a place that locals favor when they want to eat and get drunk. Once you realize this, and get over the strange decor and pub-italian-indian menu, you can relax and enjoy a truly local pub experience. This is not a place for fine dining, but for big greasy pizzas that might contain what it says on the menu. There is a great selection of Indian-style food as well - on some nights the food can be tasty and delicious. There is a selection of beers and some customers even care about that. Others come for the bucket of beer, where quantity is what matters. After a bucket or two, the crowd can get a bit loud and rowdy, but don't expect a bar fight to break out any time soon. A local experience, to be sure. And not in any of the tourist guides, either.

  • Juha Nurmonen

    Juha Nurmonen


    Nice restaurant to go for after work drink or meal. Atmosphere is relaxed but volume of noise reasonable for people talk to each other. There is a good menu and food and meals available. Big screens show international sports events. There also is a cubicle for smokers.

  • Jussi Piekkala

    Jussi Piekkala


    Rento, siisti, nopea, edullinen. Tarjolla sekä pizza että intialaista ruokaa.

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