Radisson Blu Seaside в Helsingfors

ФинляндияRadisson Blu Seaside


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3, Gräsvikskajen, 00180, Helsingfors, FI Finland
контакты телефон: +358 20 1234707
Веб-сайт: www.radissonblu.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 60.1618607, Longitude: 24.9245002

Комментарии 5

  • J Hunt

    J Hunt


    Very nice hotel on the water. Walking distance to the center of Helsinki and the walk itself is very pleasant and allows for seeing a lot of this beautiful city. Very close to the open air market at Hietalahti Square. If walking is not your thing then you can take the efficient tram, which stops just steps from the hotel. Excellent buffet breakfast at the hotel and there is a very nice seafood restaurant a few steps from the hotel called Merimakasiini. Close to the place where most cruise ships are made. Often an excellent value as I have booked in July for around 100 euros (2 people including full buffet breakfast that includes smoked fish and other great Finnish delights).

  • Gareth hammett

    Gareth hammett


    We booked a basic room, however become of the hotel layout and it being a converted dockside building the rooms are massive. Beautifully done with contemporary art / decor. Although a 20 min walk from the station we decided to give it a go, it's on a tram route anyway. The sun was shining in an early Helsinki spring and the walk itself takes in the sites of some fine architecture. Very convenient store nearby (k market) and plenty of bars on the way back into town. Very nice hotel

  • Jeremy Boucher

    Jeremy Boucher


    Everything about this place was fantastic. The room was nice, bed was comfortable, staff was friendly and accommodating as well. They were even able to get us checked in several hours before check-in due to an early flight into Helsinki that morning. Also very close to public transportation stops. Brunch was tasty and plentiful, but also the only reason why it's 4 stars instead of 5. It was a little expensive for the quality of the food (in comparison to the hotel across the street which blew breakfast out of the water), but that can be expected from hotels. But they also unfortunately started putting everything away at least 15 minutes before breakfast ended, which left my wife and I with a $27 bowl of yogurt and coffee. This event aside, the hotel was Very enjoyable.

  • Édio Sofka

    Édio Sofka


    The hotel is beautiful. Lobby and breakfast area are really modern and cozy. We arrived late (around 2am) and on a holiday weekend, but the doorbell was answered right away and there were two nice employees at the check-in desk, smiling, even. The breakfast was one of the best I've ever had. We were a group of four, so the price was really worth the stay (2 double-beds). The room was spacious, pretty, bathroom with heated floor...It was just one night, but I was really pleased!

  • Magdalena Pancewicz

    Magdalena Pancewicz


    Very very nice hotel. Beautifully decorated and extremely comfortably furnished. Big beds and spacious rooms. 24/7 well equipped gym. Very rich and diverse breakfast (though some of the stuff were not too friendly), tasty food. Very good location, with own parking in a garage. This is a very good place to stay in Helsinki.

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