929 m
Autopurkaamo Itäosa Oy
Ahertajantie 14, Savonlinna

1.067 km
Kilpi- Ja Opastetalo Ra-Ri Kilpi Oy
Tuottajantie 12, Savonlinna

1.804 km
Linna-Lasi Oy
Mertajärventie 10, Savonlinna

1.902 km
Savilahden Auto Savonlinna
Mertajärventie 3, Savonlinna

1.906 km
Savonlinnan - Punkaharjun tie 333, Savonlinna

1.917 km
Kartanonväylä 3, Savonlinna

1.978 km
Mertajärventie 6, Savonlinna

1.999 km
Savonlinnan Toimintakeskus ry
Schaumanintie 24, Savonlinna

2.009 km
Etelä-Savon matkat Ky
Schaumanintie 24, Savonlinna

2.022 km
Kullervonkatu 2, Savonlinna

2.039 km
Saimaa Oy Vuokravenho
Kiurunkatu 15, Savonlinna

2.042 km
Velhon Vispilänkauppa
Nojanmaantie 26, Savonlinna

2.234 km
Carlson Savonlinna hardware store
Nojanmaantie 2, Savonlinna

2.306 km
Prisma Savonlinna
Nojanmaantie 15, Savonlinna

2.315 km
Savoli Ry / Savonlinnan Voimistelu ja liikunta
Nojanmaantie 15, Savonlinna

2.357 km
Linnanportin apteekki
Nojanmaantie 15, Savonlinna
westsideprunella .
::Jonas Rajanto
::We spent one night here, my girlfriend and I. Accommodation is apartment-style: our apartment had a central large kitchen with dining table, shared bathrooms and shower, and 4 bedrooms. We actually had the whole apartment to ourselves as the other bedrooms were empty. The room and facilities are simple, but clean and pleasantly furnished. There is a large front yard with all sorts of sports equipment and toys to use free of charge. Across the road there is a playground for kids. The location is a bit off Savonlinna center and there are no signs whatsoever, but still easy to find if you have a navigator. The surroundings are very quiet and peaceful. We didn't explore too much on foot as it was raining so I can't say anything about sights or hiking in the area. Reception was very nice - the hosts were friendly and warm. It is a simple place to spend the night - in my opinion perfect for couples and families alike. Good value for money. Easy to recommend! PS. The address of the accommodations is actually Kaarnatie 5. At least that is where we spent the night! :)