SAMRAT Indian Cuisine i Helsinki

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FinlandSAMRAT Indian Cuisine



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22C, Eteläesplanadi, 00130, Helsinki, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 9 611001
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Latitude: 60.1664455, Longitude: 24.9445324

kommentar 5

  • Jones Babu

    Jones Babu


    Its open till 10:00pm in Sunday where others are closed by 8:00pm. But Kitchen closes at 9:00pm. Briyani is not the best and they charge extra for raita. Would prefer India House above this

  • en

    Von Hara


    We have been there twice and both times food has been excellent. We have seen hundreds of restaurants all over the world and this is one of the best ones. We will gladly come again. Prices are totally ok for food like this. Mainly example the chicken dishes are between 14-18 euros and I quarantee that those are good dishes. This is authentic Indian food, not supermarket trash. 5 stars are really earned and service is excellent also.

  • Prashant Kumar

    Prashant Kumar


    What's good Food is delicious and authentic Indian. Whats not good Little pricey What to do Try both veg and non veg. Both are equally good. The location is right in front of park and there is a Kmart right across the corner.

  • Roger Mouton

    Roger Mouton


    Indian is always a good choice when it is late and you are in an unfamiliar city. Samrat did not disappoint and served us a well prepared and authentic meal although it could have been a bit spicier. But, we were in Finland so no surprise..

  • en

    Arja Griffin


    I dislike all hot foods and only went to please a friend. The MILD portion was ok but not to my taste. My friend really liked her food though. The interior was too dark for my taste but they have a terrace in the summer, which should be nice. Friendly service. Prices ok.

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