Scandic Pori в Pori

ФинляндияScandic Pori


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41, Itsenäisyydenkatu, 28100, Pori, FI Finland
контакты телефон: +358 2 624900
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 61.4822666, Longitude: 21.7941588

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Samuli Rantanen


    Quite centrally located. Paid parking available,12€ for garage and 8€ outside next to the hotel. Room was clean and spacious, breakfast was ok. Good and friendly service at the reception. There is a sauna lounge on 7th floor with with a nice balcony, separate normal Finnish saunas and shared steam room.

  • en

    Jan Andrejkow


    Discrete and clean. Good breakfast, bike rental free, friendly and competent staff. Disadvantage: paid parking space or free only until 8 am.

  • Kai Kimppa

    Kai Kimppa


    Everything worked as expected, no complaints, no great stories. Good hotel.

  • Nevena Rakovska

    Nevena Rakovska


    Very nice hotel, good location, the room was very clean and comfortable, excellent breakfast, pleasant and helpful staff.

  • Gaurav Soni

    Gaurav Soni


    Outstanding service, Clean but slightly smaller rooms, Amazing Full breakfast!!! I was on a bushiness trip to Pori for over a week and decided to stay at Scandic considering how close it is to the downtown. The check in was super easy even though we were late. The service here is very uptight. The hotel has indoor parking garage which cost 12 Euro if you are Scandic member and outdoor parking for 8 Euros, On top of that, you will get 5 Euro voucher for each day stay which can be used for minibar purchases and restaurant dining. The room was the only slight disappointment so far because it was so small and since we were visiting for 3 weeks, I had lots of luggage. With two people and luggage, the room seems little claustrophobic and added on top of that was lack of storage closet. Bathroom however was pretty huge and heated floors were an added bonus. Aside from the smaller size, the room is decorated nicely. The amenities like Gym and Sauna are pretty nice and the timings are perfect as both are open till 10pm. The highlight of the stay is the breakfast buffet. It includes: -Fruit Variety ( watermelon, Pears, Plums, mendarines, apples, grapes) - Yogurt bar with mixed berry compote and marmalade and plethora of topping including dry fruit -Bread Bar filled with several varieties of fresh loafs including delicious Rye breads -Sandwich bar ( veggies, cured meats, cheeses, spreads, Mustard varieties, leafy greens) - Tea and coffee station with good varieties. - snack and dessert bar. Overall, I am pretty pleased with the amenities and delicious breakfast buffet and I would recommend staying here!

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