Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki i Jyväskylä

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FinlandSolo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki



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10, Lutakonaukio, 40100, Jyväskylä, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 20 1234645
internet side:
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Latitude: 62.2387534, Longitude: 25.7573339

kommentar 5

  • Jaakko Räihä

    Jaakko Räihä


    Great restaurant in this hotel. Pizza and spaghetti are especially recommendable. The hotel rooms are modern and comfortable and the staff is friendly. It's a short walk from here to the harbour with its restaurants and promenade.

  • Teemu Hauhia

    Teemu Hauhia


    I think this is one of the best hotels in whole Sokos Hotels chain. When we booked it was even cheaper compared to the other Sokos Hotel in Jyväskylä.

  • Simon O

    Simon O


    Location: 5 Central, few minutes walking from the downtown. Overlooking the harbor and the lake - nice view from the rooms. Staff: 5 Friendly and helpful. Made me feel welcome. Hotel interior: 5 Maybe not as cozy as some small hotel, but still much better than any other large hotel I've been to. The corridors don't feel claustrophobic, the restaurant is cozy. Room: 4 Rather spacious, decent interior, fairly sized bathroom. Some design flaws (like short shower pipe in the rooms with bathtub so if you are tall taking a shower will be slightly awkward) but nothing critical. Food: 5+ The best pizza I've tried in Finland, or maybe other-where too. Best breakfast I've tried in Finnish hotels. Very impressed Tip: there is a large parking garage right next to the hotel but there is also large exhibition center right there so if there is any fair going on (which happens quite often) - you'll have no chance to get a room there. Safer to book in advance

  • en

    Ville Korhonen


    Rooms are above average, but nothing compared to service in reception.

  • Erik Maziarz

    Erik Maziarz


    The room was a twin though I had reserved a king. Outside of that, it was an attractive, modern looking room with multiple device hookup options for the tv. My view out the window was mostly of another tall building. The gym is functional with some free weights, a few machines to hit major muscle groups as well as some cardio equipment which was helpful due to the weather being cool and rainy during my stay Great breakfast buffet. Probably my favorite thing about the place. Various eggs, sauteed vegetables, breads, croissants, and much more.

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