s/s Borea в Turku

Финляндияs/s Borea


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72, Linnankatu, 20100, Turku, FI Finland
контакты телефон: +358 40 8436611
Веб-сайт: www.hostelbore.fi
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 60.4349036, Longitude: 22.2333173

Комментарии 5

  • Kelpo Koivaara

    Kelpo Koivaara


    Breakfast was good and the rooms clean enough but very dated. The ventilation is extremely poor and I find staying for longer periods difficult due to that.

  • Bo Nordlin

    Bo Nordlin


    Simple, small cabin. But Ok considiring price

  • Jan Van den broeke

    Jan Van den broeke


    Staff is friendly. Room is ok, but nothing special. Have you ever wanted to take a shower while on the toilet? Now you can! The ventilation cover fell down while taking a shower. That was weird. Breakfast included. Not great, not terrible. I rate it 3.6

  • Robin Kinslayer

    Robin Kinslayer


    When you do like special places to stay, this one is definitely something you shouldn't miss! As accommodation it is somewhere between hostel and hotel, of cause you can not expect the luxury of a star-hotel, the cabins are small but fine, have everything you need, could be a bit cleaner, but the service generally was very friendly and helpful! Worth mentioning here is the very good breakfast buffet! Also the museum next to the hotel with it's impressive collection of ships creates a nice atmosphere :)

  • Abel Crawford

    Abel Crawford


    Fine for a night, not for anything longer. Really dissapointing, we were trapped in here for a week for our summer school accommodation. Someone thought it would be an immersion experience into the maritime past of Turku. But really its not a real hostel, it just feels like a mental hospital ship, with tiny rooms with no ability to get fresh air, artificial ventilation is extremely poor. The kitchen has no stove, oven or any view to the outside world, there is a constant drone of the artificial ventilation system. Cleanliness is certainly not their strong point, floor surfaces look like they are barely vacuumed let alone washed. The while facility is extremely dated, and I question if it is even safe, while we were there it was flooding. No refund or any form of compensation was offered. "Common rooms" are inadequate and certainly not attractive to people to hang out, what space could be somewhat suitable closes early, around 20:00 everywhere there are signs telling you what to do. Mostly the place smells of wet dog, and while I was there were petroleum fumes in the ship from painting of this wretched ship. It would be more suitable as a dive wreck at the bottom of the Baltic than as accommodation. It is a terrible blight on visitors impressions of Turku.

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