Flamingo Viihdekeskus i Vanda

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FinlandFlamingo Viihdekeskus



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8, Balansvägen, 01510, Vanda, FI Finland
kontakter telefon: +358 600 03500
internet side: www.flamingo.fi
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Latitude: 60.290472, Longitude: 24.969237

kommentar 5

  • Martin Clase

    Martin Clase


    Your typical shopping center. A lot of stores, if they don't have it you probably don't need it. Also a lot of different restaurants to choose from.

  • Jaakko Väänänen

    Jaakko Väänänen


    Hard to say anything bad. Clean, modern, good service. 4 and half star.

  • Tero Hannuksela

    Tero Hannuksela


    Stayed at the hotel for 2 nights. Went to the spa in the last morning, which obviously was kind of a small mistake. It was Sunday morning, so everybody else got also day of and you could easily see it. Had to cue for 20 min, which I've done never before. And as you already know, the pools were crowded, so some more cueing. Visited Friday night at the Finnkino movie theater which was easy to reach. No need to go out door, so felt like it would've been your own living room (with friends). Just few steps away, so last minute arrivals are also possible. Though you have to remember, that the theater doors Close after movie begins, so still need to be in time to be able to get to your seat. Multiple restaurants around the Sokos Break Hotel which only gives you bed and breakfast. CLOSE to Hki-Vantaa Airport which some might think as impossible place to have a Good sleep, but Beds are so comfortable that you won't hear a thing while you sleep like a baby. Been here several times and will go again. Busses 615 and 614 take you down town to Helsinki and 562 will take you to the airport. Stops are just few steps away. From airport you can also continue by train.

  • Juha Nurmonen

    Juha Nurmonen


    International level entertainment center with hotel, family spa and water slides, movie theater, pub, night club and several different restaurants. The center is compact and locates rather close to the Helsinki international airport. It also is connected and attached to a big shopping center Jumbo which in turn has a number of different services.

  • Michael Arkwright

    Michael Arkwright


    Nice whole family water park and only adult spa area with many saunas and saltwater pool!

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